Summary: We squashed a few bugs and made several adjustments that will improve usability throughout FOURA
- Fixed the issue, where a “This backgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently” error was being displayed
- Fixed the Drag/drop so that the KPI arrangement is restricted to Setup Role Members for all corporate dashboards
- Fixed an issue where FOURA was not trapping an error when the KPI was refreshing. FOURA will display ERROR on the KPI with a tooltip of the actual error message
- Fixed an issue where entry into budgets rows were not being saved
- Updated the KPI Management Form to include basic audit fields
- Updated the KPI Value Control with history to show actual value (current) as the large number and the projected value as the smaller number
- Updated the KPI Graph to limit display to 12 groupings, additional groups will be rolled up into a 13th group called OTHER
- Updated the KPIs and dashboards to require KPI Manager Role (rl_KPIManager) for editing
- Updated the dashboard viewer to include a KPI context menu with options to remove a KPI and to open the KPI Entry Form
- Updated the Dashboard with the FOURA watermark logo in the lower right corner