Summary: This release came together through some great feedback from our customers regarding using FOURA. We saw opportunities to refine the solution and put smiles on their faces.
- Fixed the Sales By Month and Sales by Day Reports by removing the tax amount from the invoice totals.
- Updated the Customer Care Stage History, so it now includes the initial event\stage record when a customer was created
- Updated the Sales Management Pricing\Price Book Report layout with a graph by Product Family and Price Book Performance and Sales by Product Family details.
- Updated the Sales Management Reports to use Fiscal Year for the Year Over Year (YOY) and Year To Date (YTD) details.
- Updated the Sales Quote printing to use the Report Layout class internally
- Added the Discount Code to the Browse Orders and Browse Order Lines Forms
- Added a Global Variable called Use Pick Number As Invoice No (UsePickNoAsInvcNo). When set to 1 = Yes, the Sales Invoice will use the Pick Number for Pick Invoices.
- Added the Pick Margin (value) row to Sales By Month and Sales By Day Reports Added Inventory Period End Report, which displays Items, Quantity, and Average Cost of items in a single or multiple warehouses.
- Added the Project Actuals Report, which provides total project costs, with prior years and current year summary.
- System Maintenance, we removed deprecated columns from the Reports Table (TableName,SelectTemplate,ReportPath)
- System Maintenance, we removed deprecated columns from the Reports_Layouts Table (ReportPath,RecordSource,WideLogo)