Summary: This is a usability release that is focused on the initial integration of Business Units (branches) within existing workflows
- Fixed the Batch Invoice Email process, which was only sending first email since release v1.2.3.5
- Updated the Purchase Order Forms Quick Address Buttons from quantity three to five
- Updated the Security Role Dialog Form with a counter for roles selected
- Updated the Addresses Form with a Default Warehouse (Whse) Field
- Updated the Batch Invoice Email workflow with a red highlight if no EINV contact is defined
- Updated the Warehouse Form to use Business Units (BUnit)
- Updated Revenue Accounting by Address
- Added Landed Cost By weight
- Added a Business Units Form, replacing the BU Possible Values List
- Added a new Autosuggest Textbox control, providing greater efficiently searching large lists
- Added a PDF print option for Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Sales Invoices (Creates high-quality PDF)
- Added a PDF print option for all Report Manager Reports
- Added the Material Transaction Number (MTR) to the message when a transaction is completed
- System Maintenance, updated the ReportViewer to version 150.1404.0
- System Maintenance, updated PDFSharp to version 1.51.5185.0